https://programming.guide/java/boxed-values-equality.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3131136/integers-caching-in-java
Integer クラスでは -128〜127 の値の場合はJVM の起動時に上記の範囲の Integer オブジェクトが高速化のため生成されているようです。
private static class IntegerCache { static final int low = -128; static final int high; static final Integer[] cache; static Integer[] archivedCache; static { // high value may be configured by property int h = 127; String integerCacheHighPropValue = VM.getSavedProperty("java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high"); if (integerCacheHighPropValue != null) { try { h = Math.max(parseInt(integerCacheHighPropValue), 127); // Maximum array size is Integer.MAX_VALUE h = Math.min(h, Integer.MAX_VALUE - (-low) -1); } catch( NumberFormatException nfe) { // If the property cannot be parsed into an int, ignore it. } } high = h; // Load IntegerCache.archivedCache from archive, if possible VM.initializeFromArchive(IntegerCache.class); int size = (high - low) + 1; // Use the archived cache if it exists and is large enough if (archivedCache == null || size > archivedCache.length) { Integer[] c = new Integer[size]; int j = low; for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { c[i] = new Integer(j++); } archivedCache = c; } cache = archivedCache; // range [-128, 127] must be interned (JLS7 5.1.7) assert IntegerCache.high >= 127; } private IntegerCache() {} }
jdk13/Integer.java at dcd4014cd8a6f49a564cbb95387ad01a80a20bed · openjdk/jdk13 · GitHub
そして、 -128〜127 の範囲を使用する場合は、
-128〜127 範囲の Integer を ==
public static Integer valueOf(int i) { if (i >= IntegerCache.low && i <= IntegerCache.high) return IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)]; return new Integer(i); }
jdk13/Integer.java at dcd4014cd8a6f49a564cbb95387ad01a80a20bed · openjdk/jdk13 · GitHub
/* Online Java Compiler and Editor */ public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String []args){ Integer a = 127; Integer b = 127; System.out.println(a == b); a = 128; b = 128; System.out.println(a == b); } }
true false
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