- 記事作成日:2022/12/03
名前 | URL |
Github | https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification |
公式サイト | https://www.openapis.org/ |
デモサイト | https://editor.swagger.io/ |
開発母体 | OpenAPI Initiative |
version | 3.1.0 |
言語 | JavaScript |
価格 | 無料 |
ライセンス | Apache-2.0 license |
- OpenAPI: 仕様
- Swagger: 仕様を実装するためのツール
What is OpenAPI? Swagger vs. OpenAPI | Swagger Blog
このチュートリアルを SwaggerHub を使ってやってみる - https://support.smartbear.com/swaggerhub/docs/tutorials/openapi-3-tutorial.html
openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: '1.0.0' title: Simple Artist API description: A Simple API to illustrate OpenAPI concepts servers: - url: https://example.io/v1 components: {} securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic security: - BasicAuth: [] # ---- paths: /artists: get: description: Returns a list of artists parameters: - name: limit in: query description: Limits the number of items on a page schema: type: integer - name: offset in: query description: Specifies the page number of the artists to be displyaed schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: Successfully returned a list of artists content: appilication/json: schema: type: array items: type: object required: - username properties: artist_name: type: string artist_genre: type: string albums_recorded: type: integer username: type: string '400': description: Invalid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string post: description: Lets a user post a new artist requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - username properties: artist_name: type: string artist_genre: type: string artist_recorded: type: integer username: type: string responses: '200': description: Successfully created a new artist '400': description: Invalid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string /artists/{username}: get: description: Obtain information about an artist from his or her unique username parameters: - name: username in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successfully returned an artist content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: artist_name: type: string artist_genre: type: string albums_recorded: type: integer '400': description: Invalid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string
openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: '1.0.0' title: Simple Artist API description: A Simple API to illustrate OpenAPI concepts servers: - url: https://example.io/v1 components: securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic schemas: Artist: type: object required: - username properties: artist_name: type: string artist_genre: type: string albums_recorded: type: integer username: type: string parameters: PageLimit: name: limit in: query description: Limits the number of items on a page schema: type: integer PageOffset: name: offset in: query description: Specifies the page number of the artists to be displayed schema: type: integer responses: 400Error: description: Invalid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string security: - BasicAuth: [] # ---- paths: /artists: get: description: Returns a list of artists parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/PageLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/PageOffset' responses: '200': description: Successfully returned a list of artists content: appilication/json: schema: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400Error' post: description: Lets a user post a new artist requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' responses: '200': description: Successfully created a new artist '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400Error' /artists/{username}: get: description: Obtain information about an artist from his or her unique username parameters: - name: username in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Successfully returned an artist content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: artist_name: type: string artist_genre: type: string albums_recorded: type: integer '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/400Error'
API スキーマを作成し、モバイル ⇄ バックエンド、フロント ⇄ バックエンド などで通信プロトコルを整備する時に使える。 またこのスキーマからコードを自動生成もできる
❯ docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i /local/api.yaml -g go -o /local [main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Generating with dryRun=false [main] INFO o.o.c.ignore.CodegenIgnoreProcessor - No .openapi-generator-ignore file found. [main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - OpenAPI Generator: go (client) [main] INFO o.o.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Generator 'go' is considered stable. [main] INFO o.o.c.languages.AbstractGoCodegen - Environment variable GO_POST_PROCESS_FILE not defined so Go code may not be properly formatted. To define it, try `export GO_POST_PROCESS_FILE="/usr/local/bin/gofmt -w"` (Linux/Mac) [main] INFO o.o.c.languages.AbstractGoCodegen - NOTE: To enable file post-processing, 'enablePostProcessFile' must be set to `true` (--enable-post-process-file for CLI). [main] INFO o.o.codegen.InlineModelResolver - Inline schema created as _artists_get_400_response. To have complete control of the model name, set the `title` field or use the inlineSchemaNameMapping option (--inline-schema-name-mappings in CLI). [main] INFO o.o.codegen.InlineModelResolver - Inline schema created as _artists__username__get_200_response. To have complete control of the model name, set the `title` field or use the inlineSchemaNameMapping option (--inline-schema-name-mappings in CLI). [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/model_artist.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/docs/Artist.md [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/model__artists_get_400_response.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/docs/ArtistsGet400Response.md [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/model__artists__username__get_200_response.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/docs/ArtistsUsernameGet200Response.md [main] WARN o.o.codegen.DefaultCodegen - Empty operationId found for path: get /artists. Renamed to auto-generated operationId: artistsGet [main] WARN o.o.codegen.DefaultCodegen - Empty operationId found for path: post /artists. Renamed to auto-generated operationId: artistsPost [main] WARN o.o.codegen.DefaultCodegen - Empty operationId found for path: get /artists/{username}. Renamed to auto-generated operationId: artistsUsernameGet [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/api_default.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/test/api_default_test.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/docs/DefaultApi.md [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/api/openapi.yaml [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/README.md [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/git_push.sh [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/.gitignore [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/configuration.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/client.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/response.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/go.mod [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/go.sum [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/.travis.yml [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/utils.go [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/.openapi-generator-ignore [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/.openapi-generator/VERSION [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /local/.openapi-generator/FILES ################################################################################ # Thanks for using OpenAPI Generator. # # Please consider donation to help us maintain this project 🙏 # # https://opencollective.com/openapi_generator/donate # ################################################################################ ❯ ls README.md go.mod api go.sum api.yaml model__artists__username__get_200_response.go api_default.go model__artists_get_400_response.go client.go model_artist.go configuration.go response.go docs test git_push.sh utils.go
API に対応した model やクライアントコードが自動生成されるので、これを組み込めばすぐに使える。
Stoplight Studio を使うと GUI で簡単に Open API Schema を生成できるとのことなので、こういうツールで楽するのが良いだろう。
by DeepL
OASは、REST APIのためのプログラミング言語にとらわれない標準的なインターフェース記述を定義しており、ソースコードへのアクセス、追加のドキュメント、ネットワークトラフィックの検査を必要とせずに、人間とコンピューターの両方がサービスの能力を発見し理解できるようにします。OASによって適切に定義された場合、コンシューマは最小限の実装ロジックでリモートサービスを理解し、対話することができる。インターフェイス記述が低レベルのプログラミングのために行ってきたことと同様に、OASはサービスを呼び出す際の当て推量を排除します。
OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) は、API の記述方法を標準化することに大きな価値を見出す、先進的な業界専門家のコンソーシアムによって設立されました。Linux Foundationの下にあるオープンなガバナンス機構として、OAIはベンダーニュートラルな記述形式の作成、進化、普及に注力しています。OpenAPI仕様は、2015年にSmartBear Software社から寄贈されたSwagger 2.0仕様のリブランディングをベースとしています。
- コード量が多くなってくるとチーム開発がしづらいとのこと
- 逆に、サーバサイドのコードから OpenAPI を生成するという流れもある
- デファクトとして使われているツールなのでエコシステムは充実している
- (個人的な所感として) REST API は gRPC よりも書く量が多い